Sunday, September 28, 2008


I hate to say that over the last couple or 8 or 9 months we haven't been the most active going church members. I have pretty much thought up any excuse to not go to church on Sunday mornings, sometimes even as soon as Saturday nights. I can't say that this has made me real proud or even a much better anything. I hasn't been easy to even want to go back to church, but over the last couple of weeks we have been trying to get back to church. I can't say that it has been anything easy and this is probably one of the things that I am least proud of at this stage in life that has happened. Being very much less active when you know that something is true is a very hard step and path to walk down.

Over the past few weeks that we have been going back, and it does make it much easier that the kids enjoy being at primary and nursery and stay there by themselves for both hours, it has made such a difference in our daily lives. Parenting is a very hard thing but life just seems to go easier when you are trying to live correctly. The church really is a place that can be a refuge from the daily ordeals that one puts themselves through.

The kids and I are going to try and get there every week that we are together and I will make a much more valiant effort to be there every Sunday even if I don't have the little ones.


Alana said...

It is indeed so hard sometimes. I ALWAYS can come up with some excuse that somewhat convinces me I should stay home. And once we started slacking, it was easier to slack. As much as I loathed getting the calling in Primary (CTR 5), some part of me is truly relieved because now I have to show up, and it does make such a difference. And once you start going, the easier it is to go. Don't worry, I think it's normal to phase in and out, especially during tough times, even though we know better. You're such a good Dad.

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

I am so proud of you and how hard you are trying to do the right thing. I know the Lord will bless you for your efforts. I hope He'll make EVERYTHING easier in life, but if not, at least the church going easier. He loves you so much and is prouder of you than I am. xoxoxo

Andrea said...

I agree with Alana, callings while not always easy or fun (but sometimes they are), help keep people active when they don't have the strength to do it alone. I am so happy that your sweet kids have such a wonderful dad to look up to, and even though its hard now, your testimony still shines through when you talk (write).

Elaine Goold said...

Paul - I'm so proud of you - you are in my thoughts and my prayers. I wish we lived closer so I could help you with the kids during Sacrament Meeting. Keep perservering and it will get easier!!! I promise. Love you!1