Wednesday, January 21, 2009


You know it is time to do housework when you run out of tupperware for bowls. That means all the dishes are dirty and that now all the tupperware is dirty. Guess it is either time to go out and buy some more tupperware or else it is time to wash the dishes.

This is usually how I gauge time or necessity of housework. IF IT WILL SOON BE TIME FOR DINNER AND THERE ISN'T ANYTHING TO COOK IN OR EAT OFF OF. (note to self wash the dishes).


Alana said...

You already know my stance on this one. Enjoy!

Jennie said...

I don't do dishes. We don't even have a dishwasher. I hate dishes. It really bothers Matt when I start using the tupperware. I guess it runs in the family...

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

loved it. . . when Damian tells me it's OK if he doesn't have clean G's, he'll just wear them inside out, then it's time to worry!