Thursday, March 26, 2009


Well I have to say that things have been going rather well for the last few weeks, it has been a long time since I have had the time to post but I hope to get back on the bandwagon again. I was contemplating what to blog about tonight while I was thinking about work, pretty much my favorite past time while I am at home.

Over the last few months we have gone through some personnel changes at work. It is weird I got a new boss about six months ago and either this guy is just a loose cannon or else he really knows what he is doing. In the last six months we have gone through at least 5 RIF (Reduction in Force). He was saying today, at the end of the day when he was just looking worn out and dejected, how over the last six months he has let more than 100 people go. Seems like a lot but then again we were running on a pretty huge amount of unnecessary people. I sort of hate these days because they really give you no advance notice all that you know is that if you get called to the corporate office without any real explanation of why it is probably because you are going to be fired.

We aren't as bad as some companies, my sanitary welders wife was going to have a baby and two weeks before she was due she was laid off. They didn't even pay here any severance or compensate her for any of her vacation, sick or anything (just canned her on the spot). We waited two weeks after an active military personnel got back from Iraq before we let him go. We have to have some heart let them sort of get back into the swing of "normal" life before we let them go.

I was just thinking today how vicious life is getting and how ruthless that humans can be. I don't think we do these sort of things because we are bad people but rather due to the nature of business and the need to make money.

I just go into work everyday and enjoy my job and try to be as productive as possible. I feel that if I am making the company some money maybe that can justify my job for a little bit longer. There really isn't any more time for idleness at work because we have cut so deep into the workforce that everyone has to stay busy all day just to get everything done in an 8 hour shift that needs to get done.

Does it really have to do with the economy though or is that just a good excuse for companies to start performing much more efficiently? Is is sad for those that are let go? But as my boss always says "I might be selfish but I would like to stay employed for as long as possible and I might do everything possible to keep it that way".


Nicole said...

I like how you just go into work everyday and enjoy your job.. its you're only time for some normalcy! lol

Jennie said...

It is strange, isn't it? People really do have unnecessary jobs...hopefully people are working a lot harder (like you) and trying to really earn their keep.

Alana said...

so freaky. i hope you keep your job at the star belly factory. the glass shop is hanging on by a thread. brandon is going to be forced to teach math next year, me thinks. i'm glad you're back on the blogging!

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

I'm glad you still have your job and that you're enjoying it so much. I do hope when we come this summer we can have a tour. The kids would love that. OK, have a great day! S

Cynthia said...

I’m sure you still have a job because you are a good worker. Enjoying your job is a bonus, good for you! It is probably less selfish to have a RID than to close the doors to all employees.
Hang in there! Love ya