Monday, September 29, 2008

Butt naked wrestling

I don't know what it is about my kids, and hopefully this is all kids in general. They love to be naked. Good thing that they are only 2 and 4 or this might be a real problem. Seems like the hardest thing to do is to get them dressed for bed after they have had a bath. They will wrestle with anyone when they are naked, good thing that this only happens after the fact that they have had a bath, mostly Matthew does all the wrestling. Which isn't always a good thing because he thinks that wrestling is sitting on peoples faces, sort of gross but really not that bad because it is just a naked 2 year old butt on your face fresh out of the bath. I try and figure out why being naked is such a fun thing, maybe it is just re-leaving or just the fact that what you are doing is in direct violation of what your parent is saying at that time "Put on your clothes now or else!!!". Then I think that maybe they got this genetically from their father?

Then I think to myself okay maybe it is a genetic thing, dad at 4 years old was skinny dipping in Hawaii with his 6 year old sister. Some things I guess just don't ever die. I wonder if my kids and I took a trip to Hawaii they would also be skinny dipping in whatever we are calling this.

I don't really remember any of these antics on our family vacation to Southern California this May, seems like I only remember them with their clothes on. I guess it is a little bit harder to take your clothes off at Sea World and the Zoo.

I sure hope that if we can go to Disneyland with Michael and Becca in December that they also will keep their clothes on or else we might not be able to spend the whole 3 days there but rather only until we get kicked out for indecency.

I was going to post some pictures of our trip to California this spring but realize that I don't have the pictures downloaded yet and will have to post them later when I get my camera back. There are some pretty funny ones so I will try and get them put up sometime this week


Alana said...

Ha ha!!! Seriously, why DO they love it so much? Anika sometimes even cries and says "owey" when I put pants on her. They definitely don't hurt but it's just her way of throwing a big fit. Totally a funny and good read!

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

What I wonder about those photos in hawaii is, where were our suits? Drying in the hotel from the beach? Weird. Our parents knew we were hiking to waterfalls, maybe they didn't realize there would be a swimming hole. OK and I don't remember you sitting on anyones face with a naked butt. But then, I was much bigger than you and had been changing your diapers for years, so you probably didn't try that move with me. Funny post. Your kids are cute.

Andrea said...

Kids are crazy! Olivia is starting to get to be a bit modest now, but even still after a bath sometimes she will do her "nakie dance" which is basically running around and wiggling her fanny. Kids are crazy!

Elaine Goold said...

Oh Paul you are so funny! I'm so glad Matthew hasn't tried to sit on my face when he's naked! And at least he didn't inherit that from you - you never sat on my face naked! Thank you very much!! Looking forward to DisneyLand with Ariana - she will LOVE it!!