Friday, June 27, 2008

Sad Realization

It has been a few days since my last blog. It isn't that I haven't wanted to just haven't been able to find the time. I don't really believe that everyone has the same amount of hours in their day, 24 just doesn't seem like enough.
We have been working hard at the plant and seems like every night we have had occupied with something or other at the apartments. So time for blogging has been put on the back burner until I can squeeze in that extra few minutes a night to actually sit down without passing out. The sad realization that I have come to is that old age sucks. I don't try and claim old age yet, I am seeing it and feeling it first hand through my poor father. I love the guy a ton, probably don't have a better friend in the whole world then him. Love and adore he really is a great guy for those that don't know him, and for those that do know him you know what I am talking about. He has this aura of being very rough and tough around the edges but really is a loving and caring dude.
He is getting older and it is a pretty sad thing. The way that I see it is only slightly but affecting him considerably. We have been tiling a floor for the last couple of days. He has had to do all of the laying of the tile while I have the "cush" job of measuring cuts and then cutting the tiles. I couldn't figure out why he always wants to take the harder of the two man job but then I started to realize the other day that without his glasses (that he can never find) he can't see the tape measure. So because of his bad sight he just has to do the job the requires not a lot of use from the eyes. So he is getting more worn out because of this fact, but we were able to finish a 200 sq. foot area in two days. We allow the tile glue to dry for at least 24 hours before going to the next and final step of the process, grouting the tile. This is the step that led me to realize that old age sucks and that he is getting older.
The tile looked perfectly laid and was going to turn out awesome when we started grouting this afternoon. Everything was going smoothly I was down on my hands and knees this time grouting the whole floor, really everything was going very smoothly and was actually turning out to be a very fast and well liked stop to the tiling process. Then all H ---- E ---- double hockey sticks broke loose when we realized that we had just grouted our beautiful 200 sq. foot floor with quickset mortar. Dad was in charge of getting all the supplies this time from the hardware store and didn't realize that the cement mortar bags that were right next to the grout. Because he didn't take his glasses with him shopping on Wednesday he didn't even know, and I had put all faith in his ability to buy the necessary supplies (I still have total faith in him not speaking bad about him at all) because I guess we either both go to buy them or I just pick them up before he comes up to Salt Lake.
So the sad realization is that old age sucks, and worse than that is that my father that is my best friend in the whole world is getting old and really needs glasses to do anything that has any importance in the world.
We are good, near professional, tile layers but this one time we just happened to use the wrong materials. Thanks old age.


Andrea said...

It is weird watching them get older. My mom recently upgraded from reading glasses to seamless bifocals. She listens to the tv at an uncomfortable level to the rest of us.

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

Oh man, did you have to rip the floor out and start over? I'm sorry, poor dad!